
Photographing in Egypt

Be careful when taking photos in Egypt. If you want to take a photograph of someone, first ask their permission, especially if you are in more isolated local areas. This is only polite and can otherwise offend the person. However, taking pictures of people that you have become friends with (and sending them the photographs) is very welcome (at least in larger cities).

Photography in Egypt is regulated not only by legal regulations but also by culture and religion. In Egypt, you should not photograph:

- facilities and representatives of uniformed services

- official buildings, railway stations and airports, seaports, bridges, military buildings and railway stations

- representatives of the authorities, clerics, missionaries

- districts of poverty and their inhabitants

- sellers at trade fairs, bazaar dealers, homeless people

- famous actors, singers, athletes, politicians in everyday situations

It is also forbidden to photograph the residence of state dignitaries. 

Practical tips

In Egypt, you often have to pay for the opportunity to photograph the interior of monuments. Information on the cost of this will always be found at the cash register on entering the historic area. After paying an additional fee, you can photograph the interior of many monuments and historical sites.

If you would like to have a photograph with a camel, the adults or even children who are with the camel will often demand money to take the photograph.